Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Simply Thankful...

I've found myself more and more recently being thankful, being thankful about things that have even been hard in my life. Because, God used those times too and sometimes, actually more times then not, He has used those times to shape me in immense ways! Graduation is just around the corner for me and I'm amazed at where the time has gone. I'm so thankful for all God has lead me to do in my last 18and a half years! and yes I'm still young enough to throw that half in there! he he! I've gotten to go to Mexico and Jamaica and many different states! I've done so many fun things but sometimes those years seem waisted, unused for His kingdom and boring with little or no story to tell. This however isn't true. When we stop looking at things through our eyes and ask the Lord to help us see things as he does. We then see that those years of little activity where years of preparation and planning, not ours of course but His! He is a Divine planner and a skilled craftsmen of our lives and nothing is too big or small to Him, and believe me we're all still growing! And that makes me simply thankful! My Heavenly daddy's Big! He's seen my tears and He's always been holding me. And looking back I see... He was working behind the scenes. For that Lord, I'm simply THANKFUL! :)