As the Sanctus Real song goes .. Lead me with strong hands, Stand up when I cant, don't leave me hungry for love chasing dreams... show me your willing to fight, that i'm still the love of your life.
I have been learning so much about how our relationship as a man and a woman is such a beautiful reflection of our relationship as a son/daughter and our Heavenly Daddy, God :) It's amazing, the male leadership role is such a sweet and loving role, not domineering or hurtful, not a man on a power trip, but rather a man fully committed to love, protect, and cherish the woman God has blessed Him with for the rest of his life. Not treating her as an object but as a part of him equal and inseparable. This is a picture of God our Daddy as leader in our lives as his child. He is not bossy or rude, pushy or violent,He is kind and merciful, slow to anger and abounding in love. (steadfast love) This love is unchanging and does not leave momentarily in a dispute or is reflective of hurt feelings. This same love that a man has for his wife, is the same love that God shows to all of us, sweetly comforting, the gental embrace of "you are forgiven, and you are loved... always"
This same truth is found in the womans role as Helper. Now, this is not a role to be taken lightly of to be thought of as, all you can do is cook, clean, and have babies.
I love my role as helper, the helper is not just the "help" but the needed support that wonderful man needs, the words of the helper are so powerful, a simple small rude comment within an argument can cut deep. You see, the helper is trusted so much and her opinions are so valued that when their power is not known, they tend to hurt their man much more than they ever wanted. The helper also gets to share in growing and learning with the leader, as they together as one, go before God in prayer, the oneness of a relationship in Christ is so beautiful to God, he loves that so much. The relationship picture of God and us here is this; God is our protector, and God is our HERO, we are his sweet sweet sheep whom he loves so much, He wants to lead us and He has a mighty plan for our lives, and He needs us to do our part, to come and say from our hearts here I am Lord, send me.
Just as a man and woman love one another, so God loves us, with the love of the father in us so we love one another, how can we love unless we know love. God is love.
God bless You!
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