We met 3 years ago at a bible camp that I (Mattie) had gone to for about 10 years at the time. I don't remember much but Drew will tell you he remembers a lot more than I do, I just remember meeting him, and that we were team leaders together one time. But we were friends and about a year and a half ago i popped up on Facebook and thought I would say hello to him. He was about to leave the house and so he gave me his number in hopes I would text him, but he didn't really think that I would. Well! as you can guess I did! We started texting and asking each other little questions here and there, then after about 2 weeks of texting, one night while I was reading boy meets girl by Joshua Harris I came across the most beautiful representation of God's love and I was texting him at the time and I was crying and I wanted to read it to him! So He called me and I read to him, that lead to a very Very long and wonderful conversation that night. And as you can guess we talked a lot more after that! But when we started to talk about maybe God has planned something more than just friendship for us I told him that a few month before I promised God I would give him 6 months no dating at all, Just me and God. So I was suprised to hear after i told this to Drew that he said that was Awesome of me and that he would respect and honor my time with God! What an amazing man! What an amazing friend! Over time our friendship really grew! I got to pray and read my bible with my best friend! What could have been better! Well It got better! A lot better! In December, 4 months after starting to talk and after my 6 months for God had ended He called my mom (with out my knowing) and asked her permission to court me :) My dad and I weren't talking at the time otherwise he would have talked to him also. A few days later my mom, sister and I had gone to meet him and his family for a weekend of Christmas shopping. We sat in two chairs in the hotel hall way (the chairs that I totally know God placed there) and we prayed and when we finished praying, He looked up at me and with tears in his eyes he said to me, "Mattie I would like to court you" :) and I said yes! Quite a few times! It didn't make sense me saying yes but thats OK. A few months before we set up boundaries, just in case God did lead us to be together. These included only side hugs, no kissing, no sitting on each other, and no touchy stuff, and we were going to wait until we were engaged to say I love you. He is my brother in Christ and I am his sister in Christ, that is how we have treated each other, with respect and honoring the bodies God has blessed us with. While some of our boundaries did change a little, we still have not kissed and we have not had any touchy issues! Thank you LORD!! :) He did tell me he loved me last year during ATF, It was a sweetly remembered moment!
I moved out to Wisconsin this last June to be closer to him seeing as how I was 7 hours away from him for several months of our relationship. and just 6 months later, this last November just 2 days before my birthday HE PROPOSED! and I of course said yes!
(By the way! The video of the proposal is on my Facebook!)
I have the privilege and the honor of marrying my dearest friend in the world right next to Jesus Christ!
April 30th, 2011.. yes less than 2 months from now we will be getting Married!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I've never seen this before now. What a wonderful love story!