A basic overview:
Abortion is one of the most common medical procedures performed in the United States each year. More than 40% of all women will end a pregnancy by abortion at some time in their reproductive lives.
While women of every social class seek terminations, the typical woman who ends her pregnancy is either young, white, unmarried, poor, or over the age of 40.
In the United States and worldwide, abortion (known also as elective termination of pregnancy) remains common.
- The US Supreme Court legalized abortion in the well-known Roe v Wade decision in 1973; currently, there are about 1.2 million abortions are performed each year in the United States.
- Worldwide, some 20-30 million LEGAL abortions are performed each year, with another 10-20 million abortions performed illegally. Illegal abortions are unsafe and account for 13% of all deaths of women because of serious complications.
At six weeks the babies heart is already beating.
To the left is my niece Carmen, and to the Right, Me at 14 weeks.
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